Zhongheng Powerway: Focus on customer needs, high quality achievements in overseas markets

[Text|High-tech LED reporter Yue Mengdi] Driven by global energy-saving lighting, domestic LED driver power supplies are sold all over the world with LED lighting products being sold overseas. On March 17, Hangzhou Zhongheng Paiwei Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Zhongheng Paiwei”) ushered in a number of important guests--Mr. Raul, Energy Minister of Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, visited the company and visited Zhongheng. Paiwei's leading LED energy-saving lighting comprehensive solutions and service capabilities are appreciated, and Zhongheng is an excellent supplier of the company. The two parties have reached a long-term cooperative relationship.

Minister Mr.Raul (middle) and his party took a photo in front of Zhongheng Pagoda

Minister Mr.Raul is visiting the Zhongheng Paiwei production workshop

Today, as globalization is unstoppable, more and more enterprises are beginning to go abroad. As a forward-looking and mature enterprise, Zhongheng Paiwei is an important guarantee for maintaining its leading position in the market and its unique understanding and understanding of customers.

“Focus on customer needs, actively research and develop innovation, optimize supply chain resources, work hard on product quality, provide effective services to customers, help customers achieve growth value, and then achieve customers, in order to win customer respect, and the company will have a sustainable future. "Zhang Jianbo, chairman of Zhongheng Paiwei, told reporters.

Quality is the life of the company, and reliable quality is the key. The reliability of outdoor lighting fixtures depends to a large extent on the power drive module, and its technical complexity is much higher than the fixture itself. Zhongheng Paiwei has more than 20 years of experience in power supply development, focusing on the key technologies of LED outdoor high-end market power, and is dedicated to creating high-quality, high-reliability products for international and domestic customers. It has intelligent programming, constant power and remote control in the high-power field of 30W to 300W. Key technologies such as anti-ray and anti-surge, with a commitment to five years warranty, is one of the few leading enterprises in China that masters the core technology of all-digital power supply and provides comprehensive solutions for complete power supply products and systems.

The reason why Zhongheng Paiwei can shake the West African market, its high-quality products are the key factor to ensure service. The reporter learned that Zhongheng Paiwei product quality control system is very strict in quality control. Orders from order review, R&D design to trial production verification and mass production require four strict procedures. Production has been expected to be finished into the warehouse, a total of more than 50 processes, the entire process of more than a dozen online testing methods, including the introduction of more than ten sets of high-end Chroma power online automatic testing equipment, interlocking, and test data can be traced. These process controls are much more complicated than imagined. It is difficult for a typical enterprise to have more than 20 years of experience in power supply management and production control.

Zhongheng Paiwei sailed in March, and the West African market slowly opened the curtain of global layout. As a new star in the industry, it will lead the outdoor drive to the world.

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