Sanxiong Aurora: Continue to deepen the channel in 2015 to create a lighting terminal brand

[Text|High-tech LED lighting channel fire] On March 3, 2015, more than 20 advertising professionals from South China and Central China region held the 2015 Sanxiong Aurora brand promotion and terminal construction advertising commissioner exchange meeting in Guangzhou. In March 2015, Sanxiong Aurora continued its channel expansion and deep cultivation. It is reported that the Sanxiong Aurora brand promotion and channel construction advertising commissioner exchange meeting will be held in Hangzhou, Beijing and Chongqing in the near future.

At the meeting, Li Quan, manager of Sanxiong Aurora Brand Management Center, first summarized the 2014 brand promotion and terminal construction work, released the 2015 brand promotion planning strategy, and invited the heads of the home project department and the municipal promotion center to explore the channel. , product promotion, terminal management, etc. made detailed exchanges.

With the successful transformation of Sanxiong Aurora LED and the vigorous promotion of home projects, the home retail terminal display has also been fully upgraded. The meeting detailed the display, production and installation specifications of the Sanxiong Aurora 2015 version of the terminal, and organized an advertising specialist to the booth to understand the structure of the showcase.

Gaogong LED lighting channel reporter learned from the exchange meeting that Sanxiong Aurora will continue to build 1,000 new monopoly terminals in 2015. By the end of 2015, there will be more than 4,000 monopoly terminals and tens of thousands of sales networks throughout the country.

Li Quan told reporters that Sanxiong Aurora has been striving to build the first brand of terminal image in the lighting industry through the upgrade and improvement of its terminal in recent years. The results have been remarkable. In the past 2014, Sanxiong Aurora LED sales increased by 200%.

Solar Cable

Solar cable is a kind of cable specially used for solar power generation system. It has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, ultraviolet resistance, corrosion resistance, etc., and can run stably in harsh outdoor environments for a long time. Solar cables can not only effectively transmit the electricity generated by the solar power generation system, but also provide a safe and reliable power connection.

The solar cable is made of high-quality conductor materials and insulation materials to ensure the efficiency and stability of power transmission. It has low resistance and voltage drop, which can minimize energy loss and improve the efficiency of solar power generation systems. At the same time, the solar cable also has good wear resistance, can withstand a variety of harsh climate and environmental conditions, to ensure the long-term stable operation of the system.

The solar cable also has the characteristics of fire, flame retardant, anti-aging, etc., which can effectively improve the safety and reliability of the solar power generation system. It is made of special materials that can withstand high temperatures and fire, reducing potential fire risks. At the same time, the solar cable also has a long service life, can withstand a long time of use and frequent movement, not easy to aging and damage.

Solar cables are widely used in all aspects of solar power generation systems, such as the connection between solar panels and inverters, and the connection between inverters and power grids. It can not only meet the requirements of solar power generation system for power transmission, but also ensure the safety and stability of the system. Solar cable is an indispensable and important part of solar power generation system, which provides reliable support for the efficient operation of solar power generation system.

In short, solar cable is a kind of cable with high efficiency transmission, high temperature resistance, ultraviolet resistance, corrosion resistance and other characteristics, which can provide a safe and reliable power connection for solar power generation system. Its application can improve the efficiency, safety and reliability of solar power generation systems, and make important contributions to the development of sustainable energy.

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