Air purifier market explosion

Air purifier market explosion After the onset of haze weather in late 2012, consumers’ concern for air quality has increased sharply, and the market for long-term loss of air purifiers has skyrocketed. The market size soared from 2.2 billion yuan in 2011 sales to 5.3 billion yuan in 2013. . However, due to the lack of relevant standards in the country, coupled with the low barriers to entry, many companies get together and the entire market is in a state of disordered competition.

In addition, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) of the country have signed the “Responsibility Document for Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control”, which will allow local governments to re-emphasize their pollution control efforts. In addition, environmental protection listed companies’ current orders will be full, and the performance exceeds expectations will continue to support growth. Stock price performance.

High-end products appear out of stock

Our reporter visited a number of stores in Guangzhou yesterday and discovered that the various brands of air purifiers on the market are much larger than last year. In a home appliance chain store, a salesman told reporters that at present the sales of foreign brands are better, because consumers believe that the purification function of foreign brands will be better than domestic brands. "This product is currently not available in gold, if you want to wait about a week," after the reporter said that after looking at a foreign brand air purifier, the salesman told reporters.

It is understood that at present, some high-end products appear to be out of stock. In particular, individual foreign brands have appeared to place orders first, and then take delivery of goods. This will probably take 7 to 10 days.

Ren Wei, general manager of Guangzhou Suning introduced air purification into the largest black horse in recent sales, double-line sales growth of 235%, between 1200 yuan to 2,000 yuan the best-selling; Guangzhou Gome's data show that this month before the 6th, air purifier The sales volume has exceeded 320 units, an increase of 200% year-on-year, and sales have increased by 78%.

Surging demand for loss-making products

Air purifiers have entered the Chinese market for many years, but before 2012, they were purchased by consumers of newly-renovated houses. "The suddenly appearing haze weather has caused the almost dead air purifier market to surge," said a person in charge of a well-known home appliance company in China.

The reporter learned that, a few years ago, with the introduction of foreign brands of air purifiers into the Chinese market, some domestic household appliances have also set up an air purifier business unit, but due to losses year after year, many manufacturers finally had to transform the division into a Humidifier and electric heater.

According to data from Zhong Yikang, domestic sales of air purifiers reached 1.12 million units in 2011, and it surged to 2.4 million units in 2013, a year-on-year increase of 90.5%. At the same time, Zhong Yikang estimates that the accumulated market sales of air purifiers (including accessories) from 2013 to 2020 can reach 560 billion yuan, and the market is huge.

Domestic big brands become "sandwich cakes"

"A lot of consumers think that the foreign brands have good purification functions. Some unknown small brands rush to buy business at very low prices. The domestically-made big brands have almost become 'sandwich cookies'", said Liu Shifeng, general manager of the Wanjiale Air Purifier Business Unit. The reporter was so sighed. When reporters visited the market yesterday, they discovered that even promoters could not tell which brand was better and what kind of function was more suitable for what kind of environment.

At present, domestic home appliance companies such as TCL, Gree, and Wanjiale have entered the air purifier industry. Liu Shifeng said that he hopes that relevant national standards will be introduced early. This will not only allow some non-compliant products to exit the market, but also allow consumers to buy products with high cost performance.

Air purifier market chaos

1, the industry has no standard many enterprises "admission"

"Since the end of 2012, the domestic air purifier market broke out in an instant and currently there are over 300 manufacturers," said a person in charge of the TCL small appliances. According to our reporter, at present, there are mainly three types of enterprises that have entered the field of air purifier products: one is engaged in enterprises that include filters and other related products; the other is the transformation of companies that have done ordinary electrical appliances; and the third is some large ones. E-commerce companies use OEM to enter.

2, the price difference between a large number of products are not up to standard Some foreign brands of air purifier prices as high as seven or eight thousand dollars, and some unknown small brand price is less than 100 yuan. The air purifiers sold on some e-commerce platforms cost as little as tens of yuan. Liu Shifeng said that many tens of yuan of air purifier is a filter plus a fan, but the purification rate is not up to standard. Liu Shifeng said that once the relevant national standards are introduced, about 60% of air purifier products on the market can not meet the standard.

3, after-sales problems or will be highlighted in accordance with the normal use, air purifier filter to replace once a year, in areas with serious air pollution, six months have to be replaced. A good air filter should cost six or seven hundred yuan, but the emergence of many brands has made after-sales service a problem. Some consumers complained to this reporter, saying that after a problem with the machine, customer service calls could not be found. However, some small-brand air purifiers sold on the Internet are more difficult to guarantee a better after-sales service.

Get together to enter the cause analysis

Reason 1: The entry barrier is low. Since there are no national standards, there are few technical barriers. At present, we really need to create a brand of air purifier, and open an air purifier mold that costs more than 1 million yuan. Parts such as filters can be purchased by third parties, and the assembly line needs to invest several hundred thousand dollars. 3 million yuan. If you do OEM, as long as you find the core filter suppliers, a total of only a few hundred thousand yuan can be done.

Reason 2: Profit is high. The newspaper A15 on December 7, 2013 reported that the cost price of an air purifier with a price tag of RMB 7,000 does not exceed RMB 2,000. At present, the average profit rate of foreign brand air purifiers can reach 50%, while the profitability of famous domestic brands can reach 20% to 30%.

Environmental protection stock orders full look A shares bright spot

According to the news of the Ministry of Environmental Protection website on the 7th, the person in charge of the Ministry of Environmental Protection said yesterday that the Ministry of Environmental Protection and 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have signed the “Responsibility Document for Air Pollution Prevention and Control Objectives” in order to implement the Air Pollution Prevention Action Plan. ” Clearly defined the air quality improvement goals and key tasks in various places, among which Guangdong’s goal has dropped by 15%.

Fog Days Include Natural Disasters

“We have always been more optimistic about environmental protection stocks. This is also the industry with the most policy support in the past year or so.” Some brokerage industry analysts told reporters. The reporter learned that hazy weather was first included in the natural disaster.

In the capital market, environmental protection stocks have been re-optimized after the initial adjustment, and Bishuiyuan has continuously received 7 Yang Xian, and once again rose by 4.56% yesterday.

Some analysts said that 2013 was the first year of environmental protection for A shares, and the environmental protection sector index rose by nearly 60%. Affected by frequent haze, the atmospheric engineering sector performed the most, with a cumulative increase of 99.6%.

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