Buy air purifiers that you need to know cold knowledge

Recently, the reporter conducted an investigation into the air purifier market, and interviewed Song Guangsheng, director of the National Indoor Interior Environment and Environmental Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, and Chen Yuhui, deputy secretary general of the Air Purifier (China) Industry Alliance, to answer questions of consumers' concerns. .

Question 1: How many air purifiers on the market are marked with CADR values?

On April 4th, the reporter saw on the third floor of Beijing Suning Appliance (13.13, -0.44, -3.24%) Princess Tomb, all kinds of air purifiers were filled with half a floor. Inside the store, the reporter carefully checked, only on the US purifier nameplate with a price of 1499 yuan, I saw the words “clean air volume of solid pollutants: 280m3/h”, and most purifiers have no price except Logo.

Where is the CADR value? "Don't let it be posted." See the reporter's doubts, Suning sales staff explained that since July and August last year, the Beijing Municipal Administration of Industry and Commerce has stipulated that the sale of household appliances is not allowed to paste any promotional signs, and the CADR value is in the regulation.

“But all purifiers have the detected CADR value.” Another Suning salesperson told reporters that the purifier in the exhibition area is for customers to understand the internal structure, and the third-party testing agency detects the CADR value, which can only be See the instructions in the product. However, on a Sharp purifier, the reporter found an unopened manual. In the test report on the front page, “PM2.5 purification efficiency”, “formaldehyde purification efficiency” and “sterilization rate” are listed. There is no CADR value.

What is the online situation? In Jingdong Mall [microblogging], the reporter randomly viewed 30 air purifiers in the hot products, and 29 units were marked with CADR values ​​in the “product specifications”, but the number came from this, but the buyers did not know. Even big brands such as Philips and Sharp are only attached to several award certificates, not CADR test reports.

Chen Yuhui said that last year's data showed that at least 60% of the products did not have a CADR value, but the applicable area was basically the same, because this is the most intuitive purchase reference indicator for consumers. “At the beginning of this year, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce launched a rectification work for the correct promotion of the water purification and air purifier industry. In addition, the new national standard is expected to be introduced, and businesses and consumers are beginning to attach importance to CADR values.”

Question 2: Is the domestic air purifier reliable? How long does the filter have to be replaced?

Song Guangsheng pointed out that China's air purifier research technology began more than 20 years ago, and at that time it was synchronized with the world. At present, domestic manufacturers are very mature in eliminating chemical pollutants and adsorbing solid particulates, and are at the leading level in the world.

"Domestic purifiers can be used with great care. From the perspective of cost performance, domestic air purifiers of two or three thousand yuan can meet the daily needs of consumers. As long as they are air purifiers produced by regular manufacturers, the energy efficiency is still very strong. "Song Guangsheng said.

In the long run, Song Guangsheng advised consumers to choose domestically produced electrical appliances. Because it involves replacing the filter cartridges, the replacement of domestic machine materials will be more convenient, so it is not recommended to bring air purifiers back from abroad.

Air purifiers mainly include electrostatic adsorption and filter filtration technology. Song Guangsheng said that the former needs regular cleaning, usually about 3 months. Machines that use filter technology should also try to replace the filter every 3 months or so.

In addition, there are some smart air purifiers on the market that can “remind” the replacement of the filter element. For this function, consumers can refer to it, but it is recommended to open the machine for viewing from time to time. For those purifiers that claim to replace the filter element for one year, consumers should be cautious. If the filter element has changed from white to black, it needs to be replaced in time, otherwise it will cause secondary pollution of indoor air.

"The key to the air purifier depends on the filter element. The quality of the filter element determines the purification efficiency. It is necessary to remind the consumer that the filter element produced by the original manufacturer should be used as much as possible. It is not necessary to buy low-quality products at a low price. Some of the products appearing on the market. The quality of the filter element of tens of dollars is not enough. It is recommended that consumers go to the store to buy or contact the dealer to let the manufacturer provide the filter element.” Song Guangsheng said.

Does the air purifier use electricity for a long time? Chen Yu will say that air purifiers are different from home appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators. They do not use energy to convert energy efficiency, so their power consumption is not high, so they can be used for a long time. However, it should be pointed out that energy efficiency and efficiency are not linked, that is to say, it is not a machine with relatively high power consumption, and its purification efficiency is high.

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